Pursuant to the Riga City Construction Board Resolution No.2-DA-07-5254-nd of 13.08.2007 and the letter No.2-DA-08-5381-nd of 10.07.2008, SIA Latvijas Energoceltnieks, Reg.No.40103050565, 43 Lubānas iela, Riga, tel. 67241260, presents for public discussion the construction project Jūrmalas Gatve LMT Base Station at 142 Jūrmalas Gatve, Riga, the land plot cadastral No. 0100 082 2647, 28 Pureņu iela, Riga.

The construction project designer is SIA Latvijas Energoceltnieks, Reg.No.40103050565, address 43 Lubānas iela, Riga, tel. 67241260.

Informative materials on the construction project can be viewed in the premises of the Riga Kurzeme Urban District Executive Directorate of the Riga City Council at 26 Dzirciema iela, Riga, from 18.08.2008 to 17.09.2008 on weekdays during office hours.

Written comments can be submitted within the aforesaid period to the Riga Kurzeme Urban District Executive Directorate at 26 Dzirciema iela or to the Clients Service Centre of the Riga City Council City Development Department at 4 Amatu iela, 1st Floor, tel. 67037924.

Presentation of the construction project will take place at 17:00 on 28.08.2008 at the Riga Kurzeme Urban District Executive Directorate at 26 Dzirciema iela.

After summarizing the public discussion results, the Riga City Construction Board will further submit the issue for consideration to the Riga City Council at 1 Ratslaukums, tel. 80000 800.


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