Representatives of Local Government: the MIPIM Fair Has Confirmed Interest of Foreign Partners to Riga

Once again the MIPIM 2008 International Real Estate Fair is over in Cannes.
This year it was attended by approximately 30,000 persons from over 80 states.
This is the highest rate of attendance for the MIPIM exhibitions up to now.

Riga also participated at the Fair – its 100 square meter stand represented the City local government and its private partners: the companies Ezerparks, Immostate, Latio, Skanste, Dommo, Jaunie Projekti, as well as the State Agency “Jaunie Trīs Brāļi”.

Riga was represented at the exhibition on the highest level. The potential and current foreign cooperation partners and investors were addressed by the Riga City Council Chairman Jānis Birks, confirming interest of the local government to attraction of foreign investments for the City.

“Participation in such events is very important for Riga, as this is a possibility of presenting the City and the opportunities we provide to our investors. Real estate specialists and investors from all over the world meet at the MIPIM, it is one of the largest contact exchanges in the world and the contacts established during the exhibition secure further full-fledged work. Operation of the Riga stand and interest of the exhibition participants have confirmed that investors are still interested in developing projects in Riga,” indicates Chairman of the City Development Committee of the Riga City Council Edmunds Krastiņš.

“Participation in the MIPIM is also a significant marketing event. For instance, this year approximately 30 thousand people had an opportunity of finding out what Riga is,” he noted.

“Having participated in the exhibition, we popularised the image of the entire State and form recognition of Riga at the international scope.

Representatives of 80 different states could simultaneously see Riga!  This is a unique opportunity of marking its place on the European and world map. During the exhibition this year we have received many compliments from the exhibition visitors on the quality of representing the City and the investment environment,” said Director of the City Development Department of the Riga City Council Pēteris Strancis.

“Such exhibitions provide tangible results only in the long run, and, therefore, we have decided to participate also in the next MIPIM exhibitions, if the interest of private partners remains. We cannot passively wait that world famous architects and investors come to us, we have to be ready to look for the most recognized representatives of the industry ourselves,” adds P.Strancis.

Also private partners participating in the joint stand of Riga have expressed positive references on participation in the 2008 MIPIM Fair. They acknowledge that the Riga stand is becoming better with every coming year.

It is to be noted that this year the Latvian Architectural Bureau AB3D has become a prize winner at the International Architectural Competition of the MIPIM Architectural Review “Future Projects Prizes 2008”. This is the first time, when a Latvian bureau has won such a competition.

The information has been prepared by Anna Kononova, tel. 267026046, 29213451


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