Winners of the Competition of Ideas for the Riga Russian Theatre Reconstruction Solutions

On 27 November the Jury Commission of the competition of architectural ideas for the construction capacity solutions of the public external premises of the Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre adopted a resolution on the winners. The best out of seven participants was acknowledged to be the work of the Architects Bureau ARTEKS.

“We are satisfied with the achieved results and at present it is important to continue elaboration of the technical project, observing the outlined schedule, so that the repair works in the theatre could be started in May 2009,” says Chairman of the Competition Jury Commission and Chairman of the City Property and Privatization Affairs Committee Andris Ameriks.

The aim of the competition was to receive the city planning and architectonically high-quality solutions on the sketch project stage. Not only certified architects and design bureaus but also students of architecture and Latvian Academy of Arts could participate in the competition. In total 7 works have qualified for the competition.

The new planning of the theatre premises and the necessity to place modern technological equipment anticipates dismantling of the theatre stage tower over Kalēju iela and building a new two-storey structure in the current roof part, simultaneously opening the bricked up windows on the second floor facade and building up the back part of the theatre anew.

Winner of the first place – the Architects Bureau ARTEKS, with the motto TT12, will receive the award in the amount of LVL 3,000, and the second place winner – the architect Ilmārs Kauliņš, with the motto SATUP, will receive LVL 1,000. The Jury has also awarded two consolation prizes each in the amount of LVL 500 to the architects Ludmila Potapova and Laima Baltiņa with co-authors, with the motto 2904, and SIA INSANE, with the motto Relativitāte.

The competition was organized by the Design Bureau SIA Graf X, which is the developer of the technical project.

The offers submitted to the competition were evaluated by the Jury Commission, whose Chairman was the Chairman of the City Property and Privatization Affairs Committee Andris Ameriks, the Deputy Chairman was Riga City Architect Jānis Dripe, and the members were Director of the Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre Eduards Cehovals, Acting Director of the Property Department Oļegs Burovs, Head of the Riga City Construction Board of the City Development Department Andis Cinis, Deputy Head of the Construction Board, Head of the Architecture Division Marika Treija, Head of the Riga Heritage Protection Division of the Construction Board Viesturs Brūzis, Head of the Architecture and Art Division of the State Cultural Monuments Protection Inspectorate Jānis Zilgalvis, representative of the Latvian Architects Association Dainis Bērziņš and Chairman of the Board of the Design Bureau SIA Graf X architect Ruta Krūzkopa.

Information was prepared by:
Riga City Council City Development Department
Public Relations Division
telephone 67012916, 67037924

Riga City Council Public Relations Division
Viktors Daugmalis, telephone 26116645



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